Collaborative Projects
Every year we complete projects in collaboration with Rotary, and have done projects with other groups/organizations. Our goal is to find needs our community presents and help them to fulfill those needs. Below are the projects we have done over the year, and will be updated with new projects we do.
Wood Delivery
Every fall Interact participates in the wood delivery project that Rotary runs. Throughout the year wood is collected and cut, and in the fall we help to deliver that wood to under-privileged families who need said wood to heat their homes. This is a recurring project that we plan to participate in again this November.
Snowdown 2020 Climate Change Float
In the 2019/2020 school year, Interact worked with the Fort Lewis College Environmental Center to craft a float raising awareness about climate change. The float was designed with FLC and AHS students, using only recycled materials to create a scene raising awareness about ocean and air pollution. The float was a part of the 2020 Snowdown in Durango, Colorado.
T-shirt Drive
In the 2019/2020 school year, we worked with Sarah Burris who creates reusable bags with old t-shirts. She places containers of these bags outside of local grocery stores for people to take for free when they forget their reusable bags at home. We started a t-shirt drive at our school, collecting shirts to give to Sarah so she wouldn't have to spend as much of her own money buying shirts from thrift stores to make bags for the community.